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Kenny J. Anderson has spent over 30 years developing a global leadership program that produces results. He became a top producer in the financial and real estate industries and successfully implemented these core principles as an entrepreneur in patents and companies of his own. He is the author of top selling book Common Denominators For Success ™.


In 2011, Kenny completed a World Tour where he traveled to 15 countries and 6 continents, covering 55,000 miles in 50 days, interviewing leaders in business, sports, entertainment, and government. He now shares these Common Denominators For Success ™ with companies and audiences around the world.


Please help me welcome, Kenny J. Anderson


Note: Kenny will bring a USB memory stick containing his power point presentation


Please provide the following to Kenny J Anderson:

  • Screen and Projector for Power Point with audio capability

  • Wireless LAPEL microphone OR wireless headset


Kenny is happy to allow video or audio recording. Any video or audio tape of the session requires written permission from Kenny J Anderson and will be for internal and non-commercial use only. If video or audio is done, Kenny requires a copy of the presentation.


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